Every search you make will now raise funds for:

The Hibbs Lupus Trust

Help us to improve the lives of those living with lupus. Lupus is a debilitating and poorly understood condition for which there is no cure. Affecting around 50,000 people in the UK, symptoms include extreme fatigue, eye problems, joint or muscle pain, depression, miscarriage, hair loss and anemia. Lupus can cause serious complications, such as kidney failure or heart disease. The Hibbs Lupus Trust is a registered charity, founded in 2011 by the Hibbs family. We provide support and information to anybody affected by or concerned about lupus. We are a dedicated team of volunteers whose own lives have been affected by lupus. Raising awareness is a way of life. Find out more

By using easysearch instead of Google or any other search engine, you can make a real difference. easysearch is completely FREE and by making just 10 searches a day, you could raise around £20 a year for to your chosen cause.

As well as raising funds, easysearch also gives you the best search results available on web. Today, the Internet is so big that different search engines will often deliver different results for the same search. So, by combining the strengths of several search engines together - Yahoo!, MIVA, and many more - you get the very best results in terms of accuracy and relevance, which means you'll find what you're looking for quickly and easily every time - all in one 'easy' search!

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